About the School
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to align our educational program with our mission and values so that we may achieve our vision. Our ultimate goal is to prepare students who are college and career-ready to succeed in life. We ensure that students are given the tools needed to succeed beyond the elementary years. In doing so, our teaching staff will engage students in meaningful as well as challenging activities that are technologically enhanced, thought-provoking, and educationally sound. While also keeping in mind that the needs of the "whole" child must be considered in order for the child to grow and be successful. A daily goal is to create a safe and orderly environment where students thrive and grow educationally.
Mission Statement
The mission of Ella Grant Elementary School is to provide a child-centered atmosphere of encouragement, respect, and high expectations. The faculty, staff, parents, and community will work together to help each child develop as an academically, socially, emotionally, and morally responsible seeker of knowledge.
School Motto
"Soaring to Greater Heights!"
Student Pledge
Today, I will do my best to be my best.
What I do today will make a difference in my life.
I know my choices affect me and those around me.
I know my future is built one choice at a time.
I will listen and tell the truth at all times.
I will follow school rules and procedures.
I will be the best Soaring Eagle Scholar I choose to be!
School-Wide Rules
Here at Ella Grant, we have the following school-wide rules. All students are expected to follow these rules daily.
- I can and I will do what I am asked, the first time I am asked by any adult in this school.
- I can and I will respect all people and do good deeds and say good things.
- I can and I will walk quietly from place to place in a straight line.
- I can and I will be prepared for class and do my best at all times.
- I can and I will ask permission to speak and/or leave my seat.
- I can and I will tell the truth at all times.
Soaring Eagle Scholars
As a student of Ella Grant Elementary School, I understand that my attendance is key to my success.
I am a triumphant "Soaring Eagle Scholar."
I possess the ability to execute self-control, garner self-respect, and solve problems creatively every day.
I am a triumphant "Soaring Eagle Scholar."
I understand my responsibility to help maintain a quiet, clean, attractive school environment.
I am a triumphant "Soaring Eagle Scholar."
I pledge to work untiringly, follow the rules, and only share the truth.
I am a triumphant "Soaring Eagle Scholar."
I pledge to make my Ella Grant Family, my parents, and my community proud of my educational and social progress.
Because... I am a triumphant "Soaring Eagle Scholar!"